CRR is excited about our new #HireLocal campaign!
Castle Rock is a uniuque city. Residents look after each other, they support each other and they live with each other which is why we’re excited to help encourage our neighbors to hire local.
The past few years have brought a lot of hail to Castle Rock. With large hail storms like we had, roofers from around U.S. in hopes to capitalize on damages. While some out of town roofers are okay, many don’t have the best intentions. I remember coming home the last few years with a bombardment of signs from out of town roofers. When I asked my neighbors how they heard about those roofers they sometimes said “they knocked on my door and told me I had hail damage.”
There are a lot of reasons why you should hire local. Local roofers invest back into our economy. Their kids go to school with our kids, they shop at the same places and we all live life together and most importantly, we’re neighbors.
Take a watch, let us know what you think!
Video Link: Castle Rock Roofing